Kennis van de sector. Zakelijk begrip. Technologische kennis.

NORRIQ is de end-to-end leverancier van standaardoplossingen. Wij bieden advies en technologie die aan uw behoeften voldoet. Ons uitgangspunt is uw bedrijf, groeiambities en concurrentiesituatie.

ERP bubble_chart

ERP vormt de kern van uw bedrijf. Toegang tot de diepste expertise in zowel Dynamics 365 Business Central als Dynamics NAV.

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E-commerce shopping_cart

Scherpe klantervaringen in digitaal ontwerpen. We versnellen uw bedrijf met een soepele en gebruiksvriendelijke oplossing met ERP-integratie.

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Business Intelligence pie_chart

Verander ruwe data  in nuttige zakelijke inzichten. Neem afscheid van goede inschattingen en buikgevoel met Business Intelligence.

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CRM people

Verkoop meer en creëer nauwe banden tussen uw bedrijf en uw relaties terwijl u uw klantenservice optimaliseert.

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Transform your value chain

There are huge profits hidden in your value chain. Have you optimised your digitalisation to the end and made all your processes efficient, agile and scalable? Experience the benefits of basing your business on proven efficient solutions, automation, rich functionality and high usability.

Marketing & Sales screen_share

Provide Marketing and Sales with the best conditions to create value for the company and customers.

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Service forum

Service has become an important competitive parameter. See how you can easily harvest the opportunities.

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Purchase shopping_cart

Streamline your purchasing and get an overview, secure supplier and contract management - and big savings.

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Production layers

With better production management, you can make better use of your capacity and avoid costly downtime and waste.

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Warehouse & logistics repeat

Digitise and automate the warehouse. Replace manual processes with profit and overview.

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Projects directions_car

Automate and optimise project management processes and manage projects.

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Finance credit_card

Transform finance functions and be ready to support new requirements of your business.

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Management Reporting business

Turn your data into valuable insights and clear reports. Quickly and easily!

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